What is that strip called that wraps around the edge of the ceramic chips? I've seen that when ceramic chips are ordered that artwork is submitted for the front, back and edge the chip.
Sometimes these "edge strips" have text or numbers on them which all face in the same direction so that when you lay the chip flat all of the alpha-numeric characters are either right-side up or upside down. If the front and back of the chip has different artwork, then the difference in edge strips (either right-side up when the front of the chip is on top, or right-side up when the back of the chip is on top) act sort of like the inserts on clay chips when the ChipGuide lists insert variations.
If we agree that this is the case, then some ceramic chips will have "edge strip" variations and should be listed in the ChipGuide just as we list "insert variations" today. Images of the front, back, and edge strip would be needed. Are the maintainers of the ChipGuide able to accommodate 3 images of a single chip so that these variations so that the ChipGuide can be inclusive of these chips as well? A suggest would be to continue to show the front and backs of the chip using the 2 images spaces available today, but show the edge strip as a link within the description box in the same way tournament chip denominations or UV markings are listed.
Insert variations on clay chips are rare as you need to have asymmetric inserts on a chip with different inlays. Likewise, edge strip variations on ceramic chips would also be rare, as you'd need not only a different front and back but the edge strip would have to have text or some other character that is all aligned in the same direction so that there is a right-side up and an upside down direction. Most ceramic chips just copy inserts on clay chips and this color patters lacks direction. Others list text, usually the "$1" denomination, but print it both right-side up and upside down on the edge strip, so it too lacks direction. Only in those rare cases will the edge strip have a direction and the chip have a different front and back.
Below is the first of this type of "edge strip" variation I noticed. I've started to look for these and have found a few more, but not very many. In this example of the $1 Daytona Beach Kennel Club Poker Room, both sides of the chip are different, and the edge strip has the "$1" denomination repeated around the edge of the chip all in the same direction.
Type II
What do you think? Should these be considered 2 different chip variations in the same way the ChipGuide lists clay chip insert variations? Have you run across any other examples to add to the ChipGuide? Please post images if you've got them. Feedback appreciated.