For those CCGTCC members that couldn't make the Convention I have a contest. Below is a picture of the chips/token I acquired the week I was in Las Vegas. The 10 stacks are a 200 piece M&M poker set I purchased - guess how many chips are piled in the front.
I have 3 prize sets:
1. CCGTCC Convention book, hexagon Convention Chip & Convention wooden nickel
2. Casino News Magazine, Greg Susong Get-Together Chip & Convention wooden nickel
3. Seven casino match books & Convention wooden nickel
If you collect personalized chips I'll also throw in my 2012 Lammer:
The rules:
1. Club members who didn't go to the Convetion
2. Closest to the right number chooses a prize, then next closest, then next closest
3. In an over/under tie-breaker it to the closest without going over
4. Contest ends on Saturday morning July 7th at 9am EDT
Guesses so far:
88 - Michael James R-8404
93 - Larry Phillips R-7893
107 - Michael Siskin R-7387
120 - Justin Kelley R-8389
125 - Dan Cooley R-8220
133 - Dennis Berry R-8000
143 - Jason Barbiaux R-8375
146 - Dennis Zeller R-1278
157 - Bill Harkins R 4026
177 - Gerald Nelson R-8215
Good luck.
Erik D / R-8053