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The Chip Board Archive 22

grin The Whiner Invitational PlLAYERS

THANK YOU to Steve Bedo for creating this fun tournament. I start getting excited about our convention about 3 months out. There are many side things connected to our convention and the Whiner Invitational is HIGH on my list of things to do. Thanks to Todd Buechler and the M for being great hosts. The whole 8 day trip was an A.C.E. for me. Many more pictures and thanks to come.

vbg Having fun Steve vbg

Messages In This Thread

grin The Whiner Invitational PlLAYERS
Nice Photo.. thanks
Man, that is one Motley Crew !!!!!!!!!
Thanks for posting the pic...
Hi Judy, yes U and anyone else can vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg