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The Chip Board Archive 22

Contest for all non-convention goers

members a piece of the convention with this 2012 2.50 octagon that was given to all who pre-registered
plus 5 new Vegas chips that just came out, plus 5 other chips.

How To Play....pick a number between 1-400, closest one to the number I select, over/under, will win. In case of a tie, the earliest post wins.

I have already determined how I will select the number...contest closes at mid-night on Sat. LV time....thats PST

reply with "I'm in", (with your number pick)in the subject line
also, make sure your membership number shows, next to your name
Good Luck

Messages In This Thread

Contest for all non-convention goers
I'm in - 117 (Thank you)
I'm in - 224
I'm In ,354 - Thank You
I'm in, #333 Thanks for the fun
I'm In , 267 Thank You
"I'm in", #8..TY
Re: I'm in. Pam Goertler #R-3432. 168 Thanks! grin
I'm In! #367 Thanks!
I'm in 332 Tks
I'm in -- #175, thanks
I'm In - # 242 (Thank you)
Re: Contest I'm In #258 and Thanks
I'm in #39 - Thanks
I`M IN 66
I,m in !! 35, thanks
Im in! #375
I'm in ... 151
Im in R-4943 - #201 grin Thanks Bill
Re: Contest for all non-convention goers
I,m In Thanks - 315
I'm in. 417 Thanks
I'm In 306
I'm in..... 231.....Thanks Bill!
I'm in! 111 please and thanks for the contest!
I'm in 287
I`m in 79
I'm In - 264 & TY
I am in 099. R-7435. Ty
I'm In #387 Thanks!
I'm in -927 Thanks
I'M IN --------- 101
I'm in! 164 . . . . . . . . . and thanks!
I'm in - 240
I'm In...177
I'm in: #214
Im In !! 333 thanks !!
Re: Im In !! 223 thanks !! REVISION !!
I'm in - 144
I'm in...359... Thanks.
I'm IN 324
Re: "Im In...237" Thanks !!
I'm in - 43 -- Thanks, Bill! grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg