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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ

Mike.....what you haven't looked at yet is why the United States does nothing to curb drinking and happens to be big business. I manage a local office of DMV here in New York and deal with DUI every day. There are thousands upon thousands of dollars to be made from people who get caught drinking and driving. The fines, lawyer fees, court costs, civil penalties, drinking driver classes at the local college, suspension termination fees, re-application fees, victim impact panel fees, towing fees, impound fees, interlock device fees......etc. Everyone is making a lot of money off this and it will never end because of the money involved no matter how many people are killed. Do you really think these people involved in this money maker are going to go away? Not a chance. Money is their motivation, not human life. We just had a case last week of a well known doctor who killed a young girl on a skateboard and took off and left her to die after attending a "martini golf tournament".....all verdicts were "not guilty", he walked away a free man. There's nothing you can do.....I get sick every day, but after 25 years of it, you become numb.

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NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ
Re: NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ
Re: NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ
Re: NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ
Re: NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ
Re: NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ
Re: NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ
I agree 100% but sad to say
Re: NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ
Re: NCR! I what to Vent.... Long, DO NOT READ
Re: NCR! Not to long at all..

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