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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: What shops will be open on Tue/Wed Next Week?

I'll try to word this carefully so the syntax police don't attack me. grin
I'd recommend a stop at Rich Burgell's "Lost Vegas Antiques" at 625 LV Blvd. It's about five blocks south of Fremont St. and very near the "Pawn Stars" phenomena. Then there's a place in a small mall of antique shops on Fremont somewhere around Charleston. Maybe someone else can be more specific. Both places are jammed with old Vegas stuff.

Messages In This Thread

What shops will be open on Tue/Wed Next Week?
Re: What shops will be open on Tue/Wed Next Week?
Very Funny Ross.....
Re: What shops will be open on Tue/Wed Next Week?
Ron, Unfortunately the U.S. Government refuses
Good Answer Doug ... grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: What shops will be open on Tue/Wed Next Week?
Thank you Alex for a "real" answer to my question!
You Must Mean Frank's Shop p
? Mine was a real answer.
Sorry Alan, I was referring the others
Re: Sorry Alan, I was referring the others

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