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The Chip Board Archive 22

I think I understand your post, now...

Seeing how today is a Thursday, I was expecting to see scans of stuff. And tomorrow being Friday and then Saturday...

But you are referring to next Thursday, Friday and Saturday AT THE CONVENTION!

If not, then I'll take the La Rue set! vbg

See you next week Paul.


Messages In This Thread

Look at these chip specials
Paul, is the picture correct? Or is there a...
Re: Paul, is the picture correct? Or is there a...
What I am seeing is your 7-piece LaRue set.
Re: What I am seeing is your 7-piece LaRue set.
I think I understand your post, now...
Sorry, I should have been more specific.
So I won't be seeing the La Rue's. sad But I do
I wish it was the La Rue chips for $1 face! I'm a
So am I

Copyright 2022 David Spragg