There is still time...but not much. And there is still room in the bags.
We need donations of anything gaming related. Chips, books, dice
casino giveaways and any other type of related stuff that strange
and disturbed people might find interesting. Your help is
appreciated. Send your donations to steve palumbo..and have
a great time at the convention....
Steven Palumbo
7748 Hardesty ct.
las vegas, nv 89139
Thanks to all below for their donations.....
MOGH 2012
1. Deb Meister
2. Larry Noble
3. Ricky Pushkin
4. John Gentle
5. Richard Jezeski
6. Jeff Willcox
7. Robert Pardue
8. Robert Reno
9. Doug Deems
10. Mike Wonch
11. Jill Bitner
12. Doug and Mary Smith
13. Bob Heistand
14. Gene Trimble
15. Mark Cotton
16. Reggie Gummer
17. Archie Black
18. Albert Powell
19. Irwin Gross
20. Sheldon and Christine Smith
21. Skip Harouff
22. John Chopek
23. Doug Smith
24. Wayne Thompson
25. The Quinlivans
26. Pat Fricke
27. Al Whiting
28. Tarl Cooley
29. Neal Silverman
30. Bill Wiegele
31. Chuck Smorse
32. Mike Skelton
33. Jim McFadden