The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 22

A very impressive site...
In Response To: website update ()

Overall, I like it a lot. Mouse-over drop downs are cool!

I see that you are scanning both sides of a chip, even when both sides are the same. That sure documents the specific chip you have, but it tends to 'virtually' make your collection twice the size it is. While not a bad thing, it can be confusing to your viewership. Might I suggest eliminating the blue vertical line that separates your scans when the scans are of both sides of the same chip.

Also, and perhaps even more helpful to viewers is to place navigation buttons on each page. A button to go back and a button to go back to the Index page.

I look forward to looking at more scans as time permits!

That "calendar" that you put together... I really like it!!!


Messages In This Thread

website update
WOW!!! (more later)...
And he's a young whipper-snapper ...
A very impressive site...
Re: A very impressive site...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg