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The Chip Board Archive 22

Thank you Marc Shapiro! vbg The package... sent arrived yesterday. It looks GREAT! grin I would scan it & post it on the board, but I am not sure you want that yet. So, I will leave that up to you.

Andy - Las Vegas

Messages In This Thread

Thank you Marc Shapiro! vbg The package...
vbg Aint it GREAT?!?! Todd's a GENIUS! vbg
It's things like this that make the hobby even...
I'll send my check...right after Marc does! rofl
Re: vbg Aint it GREAT?!?! Todd's a GENIUS! *vb
Re: Thank you Marc Shapiro! vbg The package...
Mine arrivied also vErY cOoL thanks Todd and Marc
I Guess Mine Should Arrive Tues. vbg

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