Yes Im in

Messages In This Thread
- Do U want 2 take the A.C.E. pledge for 2012 ?
- I save the 1st 15 from last year as pending
- Yes, same
- Yes, same as last year
- YES ACE #5
- COOL PIC, see the wine bottle with the chip in it?
- Re: YES ACE #5
- Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes, Yes, Yes 4 my wife R-7369A
- Of course, Steve!
- Re: Yes ACE 14
- ACE 14 is in
- Re: Do U want 2 take the A.C.E. pledge for 2012 ?
- Yes to A.C.E. !!!!!
- Yes Steve count me in.
- Steve, Please count me in as always. Thanks !!!!
- Yes to ACE #10!
- ACE #10 is in again
- I Pledge Again. C U Soon
- ACE #6 & ACE #3 say YES!
- ACE #3 & ACE #6 R in
- Re: ACE #6 & ACE #3 say YES!
- I pledge to have an A.C.E.!
- Anything 4 U ACE 84
- Yep -- I'm in!
OH YEAH!!!!!
- Yes - ACE #76
- Re: Do U want 2 take the A.C.E. pledge for 2012 ?
- Yes Im in
- We're in, Pat and Helen Fricke R-7511 and 7511A
- A.C.E.#55 for me, please!
- I Pledge.. #44, If Possible. Thanks!
- Yes on the A.C.E. pledge for 2012!!
- I'm in for an ACE
- Yes... Please add me. Thanks!
- Ace me, baby!!!!
- Ace me, baby!!!! #4 no longer PENDING
- A.C.E. Me! #41 if you can
- Hi Jim U R in @ #41
- A.C.E. me for 2012, same please.
- Re: Do U want 2 take the A.C.E. pledge for 2012 ?
- Roy U R in @ #31 C u SoOn
- YES !!!!!! I'm in
- Re: YES !!!!!! I'm in
- Of course I'm in Steve...
- Steve - Good Old #27 Please - A.C.E. is Great !!!!
- Re: Do U want 2 take the A.C.E. pledge for 2012 ?
- Hi Matt U R in at ACE #35, 2 cOoL, remember....
- Re: I want in ACE #1
- Hi Smitty, I will just have 2- 86 U for the pledge
- Re: Cool Thanks! Can't wait to see you!
- A.C.E. #51 says yes!
- Absolutely cool ...I'm in, Roy Klein
- Yes I'm in....WoooooHoooooo...
- I'm In Steve! Looking forward to seeing you!
- I am in!!! Please sign me up...Thanks!!!
- Count Me In, THANKS Steve
- Yes, we will have another Ace for 2012 Steve!
- Yeppers
- Yes!
- YES to the A.C.E.
- I'll take the pledge again Steve!!
- Yes to Another A.C.E. - Thanks!
- II'll go for it Stevie!
- Re: II'll go for it Steve!
- Re: Do U want 2 take the A.C.E. pledge for 2012 ?
- I say UUH HUH! to A.C.E.
- Yes... Save #54 A.C.E. 2012 Pledge
- YES, #74 Please
- I'm in Screwy Louie!
- I know....
- Hi John, it is a yearly thing, I save the 1st 15
- The Quinlivans say yes to A.C.E.
- I'm In Steve!
- My first Convention & I want to A.C.E it
- My first convention too! Ready to ACE
Copyright 2022 David Spragg