~~~ that included a membership application along with who we are and our interests?
I remember in the years when I used to host the CCGTCC Hospitaliry Table at the Florida United Numistmatists Convention at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida; I would be sent a carton of them to pass out along with a case or two of our fine magazine (along w/ other give-aways).
If we still do have them, I'd like a supply... as I'm constantly out in the field where I could drop some off here and there in my travels, about.
Also, do we have club postcards depicting casino chips (like the cards Dale Seymour had with chips covering the face)?
Why isn't the CCGTCC any longer a member of F.U.N.? They ran the largest Numi-show; bigger than the A.N.A., I remember... If we rejoin, I'd be more than happy to help man a club booth at their convention (but not able to do it all myself for the 3-day event )... That one year when I just got out of the hospital for a 31-day stay was a Biatch doing the table, alone (they kept telling be to stay out of the Ladies RestRoom; I couldn't read nothin' with all the drugs I was on