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The Chip Board Archive 22
Yes, a CARD key, as apposed to a brass key
In Response To:
Ding Dong! You are Wrong!...
I was going to send you one, but, you called me a ding dong
and yes, it still nice
Messages In This Thread
Help! Route 66, Albuerquerque, NM...
Ding Dong! You are Wrong!...
Yes, a CARD key, as apposed to a brass key
I have to believe that you have been...
I have been called worse, this is true
Shouldn't you be...
OMG You sound like my boss!
Which one? Hopefully NOT the one with...
HE wears lipstick, on the weekends
This is to funny
He started it!
I neeed one
Jill, do you recall who posted it?...
Not sure Jim
Re: Help! Route 66, Albuerquerque, NM...
Nailed it!
My thanks to Tony...
Jim... I went to the website and then...
Michael, I will keep an eye out for...
It never hurts to go to the source.
Route 66 Answers FB Message
Michael, Thanks again! This response is more the..
I received an email from Route 66!...
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