As I stated in a previous post here on The Chip Board back on January 9th & linked below, I was hoping to get all of the pictures remaining to be uploaded done by the convention. As it turns out they will not get uploaded until after the convention, sometime in July.
I did however break down the main page into numerous pages, as that one page was just too big. You can check it out at the link at the bottom of this post. The only pictures that will remain on the main page will be the ones from Carol Susong's trip to the Holy Land.
Also...A REMINDER, only those who are listed at the bottom of the main page linked below will end up having Smiling Greg visit them! Von & I have posted NUMEROUS times over the last 2 1/2 years that all anyone who is a member has to do is E-Mail me their name, what state they are from & their E-Mail address & they will be added to the list. Smiling Greg will be travelling around the world for as long as chippers want him to visit. So in time EVERYONE will get him. One thing though...we can no longer accommodate special requests to have Smiling Greg visit at a certain time. In the past that has caused WAY too many problems & quite frankly is not fair to those who have been on the waiting list.
There is no order though to the list. Whoever has Smiling Greg can pick anyone FROM THE LIST who they want to. Once confirmed, if that person still wants him to visit then the person having him will send him on his way with DELIVERY CONFIRMATION. And also mail me at: to let Von & I know where he is headed.
Andy - Las Vegas