Being fairly new to the dealing community, I have a question.....
In my line of work (my 9-5 job), I do something similar to dealing chips in that I buy and sell things all day (I'm intentionally being vague). Anyway, those things that I sell are intended for the end-user (mom & pop). I buy things from dealers and sell them to mom & pop.....
So when someone comes in (another dealer) and attempts to create a market for themselves by playing the middle.....that is buying from a dealer and selling them to another dealer at a higher price, that practice is looked down upon. We call those people spivs. If you're not familiar with the term, you can look it up. I'm sure Spragg is familiar as I believe it originates somewhere over there......
So that brings me to my question. Here on the boards, is it in bad taste to buy something for the sole intention of reselling? How about if I negotiate a better deal? Let's say that I pull up someone's site.....lets say All-chips and email Ricky and offer him something less than his asking price for a paticular chip. Ricky agrees, sells me the chip......and then I turn around and throw it up on eBay for profit. How is that perceived? Am I a spiv?
If I tell Fran that I will take all her chips that she has offered for the sole purpose of that bad? For the most part are chips offered on this site intended for collectors to be put into their collections? Or doesn't anyone really care and I'm overthinking it?
Sorry to ramble.....