what I do. It is very hard to break old habits. I understant your position, and can't disagree with your reasoning. Let me give an recent example, my barbar knows I'm a chip collector, he says recently that he has some old chips, would I help him with info., so I ask for a e-mail scan, and I answered his questions about the casinos and value, ect. He thanks me and says he dosen't want to sell, but keep for the memories. So I start to figure, how can I get him interested in collecting, and joining the club. The first thing I think of that would peak his interest is refer him to the chip board, and chip guide. Then after he gets an idea how interesting our club is I'll ask him to join. My reason is the club board is boring, compared to the chip board. I think the club board is for club members, not new prospects. This might be an exception. I know you are talking to our membership, and I'll try to do my part, and write myself a note to go to club board daily, and respond to chip of the day. Please understand I'm only being honest with my conduct.