appreciate the suggestions.
However what is being suggested defeats the purpose of my threads.
Everyone complains that no one visits the club board and it completely underutilized.
Why does no one want to change that?
I choose to post these threads there for that very reason. If we provide more interest in the club board people will want to visit more often.
Even better, those that stumble onto the site will more likely want to know more if they see all kinds of great stuff.
Much less likely than if there were 5 posts a week as I have seen before.
I guess my biggest concern is why people are so against this?
I have yet to see a good reason why someone chooses not to post on the club board. The software is the same, the steps for posting are the same and I even provide a link to the thread on the chipboard so everyone can join in.
We have all seen people asking questions like "where do I go to renew my membership ?", "Where can I find the Pre-registration form ?" "Where is the link to South Point Convention Booking ?"
The answer to these and a whole lot more is ON THE CLUB BOARD.
Many of our members don't even know the club board exists.
Don't we want to change that?
Don't we want to make the club board more vibrant and a place people want to visit ?
I honestly don't get why I am getting so much flack over this idea to improve the club and the hobby.
On your suggestion of more information with the posts, I agree completely and will do my best to add as much info as possible on future posts.
Wont everyone join me in making the club board a place that people WANT to visit regularly?