I Like This One
Messages In This Thread
- Favorite Of The Week - Jetons - Week # 9
- I Like This One
- Nice Paul, but please only post on the club board
- This is one of my favorites
- Brent, Nice chip, but PLEASE post on club board
- I posted it in both places simultaneously...
- Thanks Brent and its definately a chip at deserves
- Re: Favorite Of The Week - Jetons - Week # 9
- Mark, Nice chip, but PLEASE post on the club board
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Skip, Posting on the club board is the SAME
- Why not post here on this bb???
- One simple reason Larry, because I asked that
- I'm confused, being old does that, but....
- Larry, the Club Board is the place for educational
- Okay, but....
- Isnt that a good reason to visit the club board
- No good deed goes unpunished, Doug....
- First of all, I'm....
- Larry, I didnt mean to infer you were causing the
- No, I go to the CLUB bb for....
- Well, now you can go to see some great scans of
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