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The Chip Board Archive 22

It really depends on your intentions.

If you harvest, trade or what have you to make money, then of course the best is to get UN chips. If you display them, then the used chips may make more of a statement in a framed setting. I have the rat pack display, with the 5 cards, picture and the etched signatures of Dean, Frank, Sammy, Peter and Joey. Now, I know for a fact that the chips and cardswere never handled by them, but it looks really cool, and its still worth money.

When I started, people always told me if you were in this for the money, you will never be satisfied. If you collect for the art of pleasing yourself, then you know the answer. Buy what you like.

Messages In This Thread

Uncir or WU, what's better?
Re: Uncir or WU, what's better?
Re: Uncir or WU, what's better?
It really depends on your intentions.
It Depends On You, The Collector... grin
Great Idea...
I felt the same way when I started to collect

Copyright 2022 David Spragg