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The Chip Board Archive 22

A personal request to all. It is my intention

is to have the "Favorites Of The week" thread to continue on the club board and not here on the chip board.

My post here on the chip board is just a reminder and I put a link to the original thread in my header post here.

Its great to see everyone posting chips, but I ask that everyone PLEASE post in response to the thread on the club board.


Messages In This Thread

Extra! Favorite Of The Week - Crest & Seal - Week #6
It's Cali, it's Chines & its a fav ..
Rich, Great chips but Please post on the Club
Re: Rich, Great chips but Please post on the Club
Re: Rich, Great chips but Please post on the Club
Dick, I do agree with most of what you said.
I forgot to mention, the item has been added to
Doug, I've been meaning to ask you how your ~~~
Everyone loved it. Had about 150 people at the
The purpose of requesting that these "Favorites"
Then perhaps we should utilize the club message ~~
Two Mexican favs ....
Three purdy New York chips
Set of 4 from HYC, Havanna
From California .....
Montana dime
I put the Dells on the club board
A few of my absolute favorites
Roy, great chips, but if you can do me a favor
A personal request to all. It is my intention

Copyright 2022 David Spragg