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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: Rich, Great chips but Please post on the Club

My personal take on this matter of where, what and when.

I believe the 'club' board is the proper place to posts things that of a direct concern to the club such as officer announcements, membership status or concerns, convention related and the like.
It is my opinion that the 'club' board is the most underused asset the club has in informing the general membership of thoughts and actions by the officers and/or BOD.

I also believe this board is the place to utilize for want lists, items for sale, happy birthday anniversary wishes, pools, favorites of any nature, of the day items and yes a link to the club board when something of direct interest to the club is posted.

If memory serves me correct that was the intention at the time of takeover from the Susong family. This board was intended to be a 'open' board with few restrictions and those were to be set by the owner of the board and the restrictions of the 'club' board were to be made by the CC>CC.

It well may be time for the BOD to consider this issue and set in place and publish a usage policy for the 'club' board.

I've had my say and feel the better for same.

Wishing all enough and an Easter egg to all.
Dick Staeffler R-3828

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Rich, Great chips but Please post on the Club
Re: Rich, Great chips but Please post on the Club
Re: Rich, Great chips but Please post on the Club
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg