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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: Found at the yard sales today NCR

I did not have them with me today since I had my daughters truck to pick up some mulch. But in my car I carry a diamond detector and a gram scale. I normally just take a guess at the weight. I figure I can pay up to $75 for a nice heavy gold ring. Most silver you see at yard sales is being sold for $.25-$2.00. It is hard to lose money at those prices. If someone has a heavy chain or diamond ring I go and get the detectors.

Last year I picked up a set of bracelet, necklace and earrings at the worlds longest yard sale. It was the third day of the sale and probably thousands of people had looked at that jewelry. No one wanted it becasue it was not sterling. But it was marked .825 which is a european silver. Not as valuable as sterling but was well worth the $2 I paid for it since it had over one ounce of silver in it.

Messages In This Thread

Found at the yard sales today NCR
Re: Found at the yard sales today NCR
nice pick up Frank
sorry, meant to post this link
Re: I've collected Indian stuff for years ...
Thanks Frank!
Re: Thanks Frank!
Re: Found at the yard sales today NCR
Re: Found at the yard sales today NCR

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