I am helping someone sell a Sheraton, Puerto Rico chip in very good condition. I have already helped him sell 1 of the 2 he has. I have been advised that these chips would have sold for about $100 before the recession. This one is for sale for $50, plus $2.50 shipping in the US. The seller picked 2 of these up himself. He is not really a chip collector, but he did have a half dozen nice chips which he kept very well over the years. If you are interested, please e-mail me and I will put you in touch with the seller. Below is a picture of one of the 2 chips he had. I don't have pictures of both, but I have been assured that all four sides are in great condition. The one chip I have seen from him was in fantastic condition as advertised.
Here is the one picture I have:
I can't be sure if that is the chip you will be getting, but the seller is very friendly and can probably provide a picture if necessary. If you have ANY questions or offers, please send me an e-mail.
Michael Siskin