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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: Bill as a kid I watched Cubs in Catalina Is. C

Fred, I was born in IL so half the family are Cub fans, the other half, Cardinal fans, myself included...but I'm also a Yankee fan. My nephew, a die-hard cub fan, I called him after the Cubs batted in the bottom of the 7th inning of that famous game to offer my congrats and to tell him no chance against the Yankees...and then Florida came to bat.....didnt call him back, it would have been like rubbing salt in the wound

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Hey Cub fans....could it be?....
Bill as a kid I watched Cubs in Catalina Is. Ca.
Re: Bill as a kid I watched Cubs in Catalina Is. C
Re: Hey Cub fans....could it be?....
wasnt Bartman's fault..blame Gonzalez
Re: Hey Cub fans....could it be?....
Hi pam, hope you're doing well

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