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The Chip Board Archive 22

Thank you all for your good wishes

It wasn't fun but I'm starting to feel less pain and can actually spend a bit of time on the PC now. It was mega creepy but had to be done. Fingers crossed (not my eyes) it worked this time. I won't know if it took for months but right now it's good.
Thank you thank you thank you vbg

Messages In This Thread

Thank you all for your good wishes
Fingers crossed!
Hope all is well
Re: Hope all is well
Fingers Crossed! grin
Hope it continues to get better for you. grin
OK...How many fingers am I holding up?? vbg
Best of Luck
Wish you the best outcome
Best Wishes
Poor Deb sad
grin Wishing you the best, Deb...
Keep the faith Deb ...
We're Keeping Our Fingers Crossed, Too!! vbg
Re: Thank you all for your good wishes

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