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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: Loonies and twonies
In Response To: Loonies and twonies ()

I meant the paper currency that was discontinued. I guess it saves the government money, but all these loonies and toonies sure weigh a lot when you get a bunch of change.

Messages In This Thread

Canada to withdraw Penney
Re: Canada to withdraw Penney
Re: Canada to withdraw Penney
One less copper to look out for in South Florida ~
They will always remain legal tender
According to the Article
they will remain Valid
Re: they will remain legal tender
Loonies and twonies
Re: Loonies and twonies
Re: Loonies and twonies
With current debasement, $1 will be 1c in 10 years

Copyright 2022 David Spragg