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The Chip Board Archive 22

ccgtcc Convention - Banquet available seating??

Hello chippers:

Looking forward to my first trip to Vegas and the ccgtcc Convention.

I would like to attend the ccgtcc Banquet ...

But, because I don't personally know anyone who will be there, I was wondering if:

a) if a table of chippers has an available seat at the banquet, which I could join.

b) or, if there are 9 other ChipBoard chippers who would like to join me at a banquet table, I have been told we could reserve a table.

Either way ... shoot me an email.

BTW, what is the date and time for this years Banquet?

Derek Bistricky R-8169 grin

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Convention - Banquet available seating??
email sent
The Chipboard Table at Banquet Update ....
email sent
Banquet Table newest update ...
All seats at our table now filled .. TY grin
Re: All seats at our table now filled .. TY grin
Re: All seats at our table now filled .. TY grin
Re: All seats at our table now filled .. TY grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg