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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: They're always a few pennies less than the oth

Due to State Regulations on the gasoline in both Ca. and Fl. gasoline is more expensive than other states (wholesale). The sellers may cut their margins near the borders to compete. But as I remember Florida gasoline was a tough commotity (with all the regs.).

I remember making a lifting for Guatamala. We still laugh about it. Most grades of gasoline have many, many, test specs to meet, but Guatamala gasoline has basicly one.... Will it burn? We sent them the cheapest garbage we ever produced. Knocked, stunk, smoked, but it BURNED!

Messages In This Thread

Gas in Italy costs (in US$) approx. 10-bucks a gal
Re: Gas in Italy costs (in US$) approx. 10-bucks a
Re: Gas in Italy costs (in US$) approx. 10-bucks a
Re: Gas in Italy costs (in US$) approx. 10-bucks a
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
EU gas rates
John, your lucky to have bp....
They're always a few pennies less than the others.
Re: They're always a few pennies less than the oth
Re: John, your lucky to have bp....

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