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The Chip Board Archive 22

Gas in Italy costs (in US$) approx. 10-bucks a gal

...and here I'm moaning at the pump shelling out 50-bucks to fill my tank.

...and you can still get a large Pizza here in Florida for $5... vbg

I filled up at bp this morning @ $3.81 per gallon.


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Gas in Italy costs (in US$) approx. 10-bucks a gal
Re: Gas in Italy costs (in US$) approx. 10-bucks a
Re: Gas in Italy costs (in US$) approx. 10-bucks a
Re: Gas in Italy costs (in US$) approx. 10-bucks a
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
EU gas rates
John, your lucky to have bp....
They're always a few pennies less than the others.
Re: They're always a few pennies less than the oth
Re: John, your lucky to have bp....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg