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The Chip Board Archive 22

I sold 3 5.00 chips, however it seems a problem

has poped up.

1. Reggie won the 5.00 Horseshoe posted at 7:34 am & posted first no other interest.

2. Jim won the 5.00 Miss Kitty's posted at 9:46AM & posted first no other interest.

3. Jim and Keith both want the 5.00 Caseys Jim posted first in thread, but Keith posted after Jim, but time shows earlier, than Jim's post?? Not sure why, Not sure what is fair??

4. Can Jim and Keith work this out? Any other ideas? Should I make the call, and upset a friend?

5. Help,Help Please.

Messages In This Thread

for sale SD and CO 5.00 chips at face
I will take the Horseshoe
SOLD #12 and #20...
SOLD #12 and #20...
SOLD #12 and #20...
I'll take Casey's
SOLD #12 and #20...
I'll Take the Casey's chip
I'll Take the Casey's chip
David Spragg, about the multiple posts...
Re: David Spragg, about the multiple posts...
You are now in the TWILIGHT ZONE
Re: David Spragg, about the multiple posts...
Check with the REAL I.T. Guy..... NEWTON MUTT grin
I sold 3 5.00 chips, however it seems a problem
Problem solved buyers see e-mails

Copyright 2022 David Spragg