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The Chip Board Archive 22

rofl rofl "SPLASHBAR" rofl rofl

Hi Jason. The SPLASHBAR started as a place for "newbies"so they would know they could come & meet other members that they had delt with during the year. It used to be a little scary for a new member to meet other members, so "THE SPLASHBAR" became the place to do this. When you attend a conv. for the 1st time all you need to do is walk up to the Southpoint's "Islander" bar ( which is the new "SPLASHBAR") & look for some weird lloking people who are usually talking about "CHIPS" Just introduce yourself & you will have a group of new friends. During the conv, many, many members
(big time collectors) are at the bar & any questions you have regarding chips & all sorts of ather casino collectables can & will be answered. It comes down to, just being a place where members / friends meet. This year will be "SPLASHBAR #8" & also there is the World Famous "SPLASHY AWARDS" It is awarded each year on Fri afternoon of the conv. This year will be the 7th year of this award. The winner each year, for the prior year, is chosen by vote of the 297 secret Judges headed by the Chief "WAZOO" & it is a lot of fun. So, I hope I have shed some light on all this & hope to see you at the conv.
Brian "MR SPLASHBAR" Cashman

Messages In This Thread

Extra! 2012 Custom Splashbar Chips now available
What is the story behind the Splashbar
I Will Let Somebody Else Explain The Origins
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And I am in one of the pictures-almost unheard of!
Re: What is the story behind the Splashbar
Re: What is the story behind the Splashbar
rofl rofl "SPLASHBAR" rofl rofl

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