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The Chip Board Archive 22

David Spragg, about the multiple posts...

How very strange. My multiple posts are a function of the my system or TheChipBoard's server running slow and I hit "post" 4 different times.

But what is very interesting is that my 3 submissions were posted before Keith's 1 submission while he has an earlier time! Then It gets really complicated! vbg

David, what's up with that?

If the times are correct, then Keith wins out for the Casey's chip. Fred, do you have an extra Casey's?


Messages In This Thread

for sale SD and CO 5.00 chips at face
I will take the Horseshoe
SOLD #12 and #20...
SOLD #12 and #20...
SOLD #12 and #20...
I'll take Casey's
SOLD #12 and #20...
I'll Take the Casey's chip
I'll Take the Casey's chip
David Spragg, about the multiple posts...
Re: David Spragg, about the multiple posts...
You are now in the TWILIGHT ZONE
Re: David Spragg, about the multiple posts...
Check with the REAL I.T. Guy..... NEWTON MUTT grin
I sold 3 5.00 chips, however it seems a problem
Problem solved buyers see e-mails

Copyright 2022 David Spragg