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The Chip Board Archive 22

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ok,we have aquired a chip with a foreign coin collection from a WWII Veteren that has recently passed away and when i started researching vintage poker chips i had no idea they were so collectible even after collecting coins for far the info.that i have found is that the casino was opened in 1935 by a Stephano Gatti Something-or-nother and then Eisenstadt says one was opened in 1970 but not sure which casino he was referring to.Benedict says he is not familiar with this casino.Our chip(a reddish color) has this on it:..Casino Uaddan..,under that..Tripoli..under a gold color,then under that..Crap Game..which is all in the insert.under that on the flat part of the rim stamped is the #1019..i am in the process of starting my own collection and any information anyone has or can direct me in the direction i need to go in i would be most grateful..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg