swizzle display!
I decided I should clean and scan the stuff in our display cases . Got one empty and scanned and thought, hmmmmmm...swizzles? maybe?
measured, cut, and fitted the foam core board, then decided which swizzles I wanted to use
covered the foam core with tissue paper, marked off the middle, then marked the rest into 6 sections...and marked the middle of each section. wrote on the tissue paper what swizzles went into each section.
taped the first group of 4 swizzles to the board, then stitched 'em on with invisible thread. used lots of tape on the back to keep it nice & taut, then the second group, and the third...
forgot to pay attention to what I wrote, and put the swizzles in the 3rd section in the wrong order. sooooo...when I got to section 4, I had to change the order of those to properly reflect the colors of section 3
. then they didn't fit right, so I had to trade the Bonanza swizzle for a Golden Nugget swizzle...but it worked o.k.
when done, carefully remove the tissue paper, and fit the board into position
Then....start piling glassware & stuff into the case, so you can barely see the swizzles!!