First published in the Casino Chip & Token News, Fall 2006, “reprinted” here with the permission of Todd Barrett. Thanks, Todd!
25 Fremont Street
"Pioneer Club, 1942-1995: One of the best known symbols of Las Vegas, the tall neon cowboy known as “Vegas Vic”, was mounted on the Pioneer Club in 1951. I’d love to tell you a little story about the Pioneer Club, but I can’t think of one! I played there, but all of my memories are just moments in time, like one photo from a roll of film. For example, the Pioneer was the only place I ever played Caribbean Stud and I remember getting $75 for a full house. I remember getting something to eat from the Carl’s Jr. in the back of the club, and it was awful! I remember searching for my boyfriend (now husband) one time, and I found him at a craps table on the sidewalk in front of the Pioneer. I remember playing the Sigma Derby there. I remember going to the Pioneer one time and noticing that they’d taken out a few banks of slot machines. In place of the machines, they’d put up a rail fence around some cases that were filled with old chips and casino matches and dice and other stuff like that. I remember wondering why anyone would want to look at that junk, when they could be playing slot machines! The Pioneer Club closed in 1995. (New Pioneer 1956-1967, Famous Pioneer 1967-1983)."
Pre Vegas Vic
and Post Vic
And a real, live Vic...