I would never, and I say never place any chips in your collection in th 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 30 pocket pages.
If you do you have just placed them next to PVC that may change the colors in your chips over a long time. It may be O.K. for your traders but not your coloction. Be very careful when you store chipco chips. They will blead from one chip too another.
2 1/2 x 2 1/2 holders work much better for your collection. The chips are next to mylar and this will not harm your chips.
for your super chips I would use Air-Tight holders, there is nothing in them to harm the chips.
Yes we sell the 30 pocket pages and they are tight on the chips, they were made for the coin hobby and we have used them on chips for years. The hobby of chips and tokens is very new and the items we use are items already in the market place, It will be some time before the hobby supply companies come around to make items just for us.