I would like to thank everyone who participated in my Leap Year "Mega Sale". I am still filling orders and as of today I have sold well over 400 chips (including dups and unadvertised chips that went along with chips I listed in the Mega Sale). The best part is I got some great "New" customers and helped out many old friends at the same time.
I still have tons and tons of chips in the 'HOARD' from all over and in all types - so if there is anything unusual you are looking for especially Roulette chips, samples, illegals, etc, etc,etc. - send me an email and I will be glad to hunt thru the "Hoard" and hopefully find some hidden gems for your collections.
I also like supplying "Topical" chip requests like chips with Birds, Animals, Strange Designs, Different Molds, etc, etc, etc.
How about spelling your name in Roulette chips?? I can do that as well as long as your name does have too many wierd letters especially U, X and Z.
See scan below with my name and Club #s spelled out in Roulette chips. "JERRY BIRL - MR. ROULETTE - R-774 LM-27".
I don't plan on any other sales for a while - I'm still recovering from this one and a couple of Grandkids will be coming from the Netherlands to visit the last 2 weeks in March.
Maybe I'll put together an April Fool's Sale or Easter Egg Chip Hunt or maybe.................................. Stay tuned !!!
Take care,
Jerry "Still surrounded by most of the Hoard" Birl