Was info posted in the past month or so about the Miners Club $5 arodies that were found? I used the "search" function, but didn't find anything.
It's an historic older (1950's era) mustard arodie with hotstamp and 3 tan inserts, in case you haven't seen it. There were at least 4 examples at the SB show. (May have been more, but I personally saw 4 of them, and bought one, which I'm happy with.) Also, I've seen 3 on eBay in the past month or so -- 1 previously, which went unsold, and 2 currently for sale. I heard that about a dozen were found, but don't know if that number is accurate or not. It's still a great small-town collectible, just not as rare as it once was.
Any confirmation on numbers found, who & how found, and new estimate of value, would be appreciated. Thanks.