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The Chip Board Archive 22
thats disgusting! but hey she was winning yes?
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Re: I become a clean freak when I go to Casinos Wh
I assume she didn't live long after that?
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I become a clean freak when I go to Casinos Why?
Re: I become a clean freak when I go to Casinos Wh
When I cleaned some chips from the Dragonara...
Remember, one man's snot is another man's history!
In that case, my little brother has some history
Re: In that case, my little brother has some histo
Once one becomes proficient in reading all that ~~
Re: I become a clean freak when I go to Casinos Wh
Re: I become a clean freak when I go to Casinos Wh
I want to throw up after reading that-UGGGG
Oh man me too..
thats disgusting! but hey she was winning yes?
maybe that was her angle..
I would first ask her if she was enjoying it, and
Joel, she was hungry & wanted a free snack LOL
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