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The Chip Board Archive 22

I forsee ...

Postage by shipper just gets the sender's mail to the post office at the other end... or to mail box clusters at the end of your street. You are going to have to pick up your mail at the post office, or pay for delivery to the house.

Messages In This Thread

Post Office to raise letter stamp to
Considering; we're less expensive than most ~~~
Stock up on "Forever" stamps ....
Re: Stock up on "Forever" stamps ....
Re: Stock up on "Forever" stamps ....
Costco will sell as many as you want
Re: Post Office to raise letter stamp to
Get lean and mean, de3livery 4 days a week,
I forsee ...
The Bahamas has "General Delivery" only.
Great idea, I remember when we had a slot in our
My suggestion was Mon, Wed and Fri ~~~
Fred, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...
Re: Get lean and mean, de3livery 4 days a week,
They need bankruptcy, then sale to another firm
Can a government agency go BK ?
Not while Obama's around... vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg