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The Chip Board Archive 22

ID for REX triangle mold chip

Someone in the last couple weeks asked for ID's on numerous chips. In cleaning up the office I came across a pretty extensive list of Idaho chips from a club member who just specializes in them. But you won't find it in TGT unless it's in the new 4th edition but I tend to believe people who specialize in their own state and who have intensive research.

The REX triangle mold is listed in my Idaho list as being from Twin Falls and coming in red,,dk blue,and yellow.

The list came from Bill Gleixner and I find him to be the Illegal expert for Idaho. I am hoping we can add these chips to the Illegal catalog that Ed has with scans but will need lots of help from people like Bill who has this extensive list along with scans I hope. How common/rare would be another estimate we would need an input on.

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ID for REX triangle mold chip
Re: ID for REX triangle mold chip
Re: ID for REX triangle mold chip
Re: ID for REX triangle mold chip
Would info on modern underground
Should I send info to you, Jay or David?
To me.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg