- 5 rand chips
- Re: 5 rand chips
Tokens $5 Sheraton Casino Sydney and
- Vegas chip blow-out
I'll take the Hard Rocks, Email coming
- MGM Both
- Who do we have near Brea, Ca?
- Looking for Fred Lamb's email please.
- email sent
- NCR This just in from a friend
- Thanks Ed it worked.
Misc. Chips for sale
- I'll take the Mapes Tracy
- I will take Nevada Crossing $5 Please
$5 Nevada Crossing
Looking for this chip
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- My Latest $5 Vegas Chip Additions
- Very Nice , that Railroad pass
- Re: My Latest $5 Vegas Chip Additions
- Nice Looking Chips !!
Union Plaza NCV 20
- NCR Epson V100 scanner
- Re: NCR Epson V100 scanner
- Thanks John.
- Re: NCR Epson V100 scanner
- Oversized Caesars Tahoe Chips
- NCR: Planet Hollywoods Holly Madison
- Better Nevada chips
9 Reno-Tahoe chips $5ea.
- Nevada bargains
- NCR Yard sale find
- Re: NCR Yard sale find
- Look closely at the diamonds, John
- Re: Look closely at the diamonds, John
- Now this is a man who is prepared!
- Re: Now this is a man who is prepared!
- Nice!
16 Cali chips $3.25ea
El Monte 5 and 10 cent
- Thanks Larry
Slots O Fun Las Vegas CIC chips
$5 Incused 6 red inserts
A little info on these chips
- ONline Holdem
- Re: ONline Holdem
- Re: ONline Holdem
- Re: ONline Holdem
Union Plaza 500NCV
- great looking chip, nice scan
Atlantic City Obsolete $1's & $2.50's
- Saturday Snapper
- LAKE TAHOE - "Set of the Day"
9 Misc. chips $3.50ea
- Wanted: Casino ashtray book
- not a price guide but a supurb resource
8 Nevada Chips $6ea.
2012 Casino Collectibles Calendar
- Re:
2012 Casino Collectibles Calendar
Lady Luck CIC chips
Stardust Las Vegas CIC chips
Lady Luck and Stardust $25
2011 Convention Raffle
- The
BoD would like to thank the donors
- California Chip of the Day - San Diego small crown
- Ye Olden Cutty Sark Stuff
- is the HR doing a Cinco chip?
Calendar Entry of the Day! Butch Reynolds!...
Happy *B* day Butch, Have a pile of fun 2 day
Happy Birthday, Butch!!
- Happy B-Day !!!!!!!!!!!!
- Happy birthday Butch!!!
Happy Birthday, Butch...
- Happy Birthday Butch
- Happy Day Butch!!!
- Have A Great Day Butch
- Pretty neat Pioneer Club LV chip for 8 bucks
- NCR pokerstars shut out usa
- Re: NCR IMHO This might be a good thing...
- gave up on PokerStars months ago
- Re: NCR IMHO This might be a good thing...
- Cool chip, Smitty
- What Happens ?
- Re: What Happens ?
- here is a link to a story on yahoo about it
- The new tropicana 4 dollar drop chip i just got
- What chip ???
- Ps I went to hooters right after
Palms $25
Horseshoe Las Vegas
- 63
- Las Vegas Centennial chips wanted
- Nevada chips
Monday June 20,2011
- Lg. Crown chips
- Virtual Bargain box
21 room keys for $10 repeat
- Thanks, more sets available
- Good luck with your show today Dale!!!
- Happy Birthday, Charlie Chaplin
- Re: Happy Birthday, Charlie Chaplin
- Happy Birthday Charlie!!!
A Page a Day
- Re:
A Page a Day
- First ever USA stamp depicting LV casino facade ?
- FYI, haven't lost interest in club. Spring
- UV Light and Win Card Chips
NCR: Anyone interested in these?
NCR ~ Saturday Humor (Mature)... 1:14 AM, EDT
- Phyllis....
Either that, Mike, or...
- With that I will "Bow Out"
Well, I do hope...
- HOTROD OF THE DAY for 4-16-11...NCR
Silver Strike from Colorado
- Re:
Silver Strike from Colorado
- How much does it weigh?
- Approx 0.65 Troy .oz
64 More & We'll Be Out The Door!
4 diff. Key Punched
$10 shipped
4 diff. WSOP
$12 shipped
- A double Honk to Mr. Double D!...
- OK !!!!!
- I'm Waiting for You
10 diff. PALMS
$14 shipped
4 diff. HARD ROCK paper
$8 shipped
4 diff. HARD ROCK room keys
$10 shipped
5 diff HARD ROCK
$10 shipped
Brass Elephant $5 & $20 LV Strip Club
- very cool new stamp from P.O.
Phish Halloween Chip NOW $12 shipd
- Vintage Palace Club Cards $12 shipped USA
Colorado Gaming Investigator set NOW $50 shp
- NCR - Pokerstars
- Re: NCR - Pokerstars
- ???? What's happening ????
- I did too....cant play with it now anyway
- PokerStars, Full Tilt, Absolute (UB)
- Re: PokerStars, Full Tilt, Absolute (UB)
- Paulson "American" plaques
- Re: Paulson "American" plaques
10 diff. Lake Tahoe
$10 shipped
- MGM Roulette Wheel Coasters
- Re: MGM Roulette Wheel Coasters
- Re: MGM Roulette Wheel Coasters
10 diff. CA Indian
$10 shipped
Basketball Chips
- Silver breaks $43 !!!
- Advice on Baccarat/Chemin de Fer plaques/Jetons
- Here's an actual jeton made by BG for the club.
- Re: Here's an actual jeton made by BG for the club
- Re: Here's an actual jeton made by BG for the club
- Re: Here's an actual jeton made by BG for the club
- Re: Here's an actual jeton made by BG for the club
- Re: Here's an actual jeton made by BG for the club
- Re: Advice on Baccarat/Chemin de Fer plaques/Jeton
Casa Vegas
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- I tried to email him recently but add must be old
- Deal with him at your own risk...
- The original post was deleted, please fill the
- Re: The original post was deleted, please fill the
- I dealt with him 4 or 5 times
- Re: I dealt with him 4 or 5 times
- Never had a problem
- any info on this chip?
- Re: any info on this chip?
- Re: any info on this chip?
- Online Poker Executives Indicted
- Re: Online Poker Executives Indicted
- Re: Online Poker Executives Indicted
- Re: Online Poker Executives Indicted
- Another Article from WSJ
- Re: Online Poker Executives Indicted
- April 15, 2011 - The Day the Music Died
- Whatta joke.....................
- Re: Online Poker Executives Indicted
- UltimateBet Domain First One Seized by Feds
- Absolute Poker #2 to be Seized
these 3 chips
- To All the Personal Chip Collectors Out There
- Joel, Personals have been displayed many years.
- Re: Joel, Personals have been displayed many years
These 21 room keys $10
- have more sets to sell-- Thanks Ralph
- Re: have more sets to sell-- Thanks Ralph
NCR ~ Today is the birthday of Elaine Martello
- Happy birthday captain
- Happy Birthday Elaine Martello
- Happy Birthday Elaine
- Happy Birthday, Elaine!
- HAPPY Birthday Elaine
- Here she is ...!
- Happy Birthday, Elaine!
- NCR Kodak Printer
- Re: NCR Kodak Printer
- Hi Wes Segni
- What should I bring?? Special requests ?
- Lots of Money!!!
- LAKE TAHOE - "Set of the Day"
- Tropicana Now Has Rapid Roulette
- And what is "Rapid Roulette?"
- Re: And what is "Rapid Roulette?"
- Re: And what is "Rapid Roulette?"
- Here is a Picture of Rapid Roulette
- Thanks (what a waste of electronics)
- Tropicana LV Poker Room
- Re: Tropicana LV Poker Room
- I've heard things like that before! Usually like:.
- Re: I've heard things like that before! Usually li
- The poker room did indeed open...
- Here is a Picture of the Room
- Room is open
- Re: Room is open
(7) Different Old $1 Cali Chips for a Penny
Does USPS secretly support Chippers?...
- Re:
Does USPS secretly support Chippers?...
- So do the NY Jets
- Two $25 Chips
- Hard Rock Punta Cana
- Re: Hard Rock Punta Cana
- e-mail sent
- Have a GREAT TRIP!!!!
- Pics from the NAPT !!
- #2 pic
- Well done Chris. ESPN next?
- Re: Well done Chris. ESPN next?
- Re: Well done Chris. ESPN next?
- $100 California Chip of the Day
Calendar Entry of the Day! Scott Hartman...
- Here it is .. The 4th PERSONAL CHIP FOR TODAY
- Derek, I like the series! You said...
- Nice color
MISC $1 chips
MISC $1 Chips
- sold
- okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
roulette round robin
HR Autographed Barris Set
Hard Rock ROCK 'N RODS
A Page a Day
- NCR: Is this matchbook worth anything?
- Re: NCR: Is this matchbook worth anything?
- in that condition I would say.......no
- Thanks for the info guys
- Press of Atlantic City today
- Re: Press of Atlantic City today
- Agreed Archie, and excellent information!...
Yesterdays Mail
the 100
Casino dice
$5 HR Chips
- Reminder: new postage rates Sunday, April 17
- Thanks .....
- Re: Reminder: new postage rates Sunday, April 17
- Thanks for the reminder Robert ...
- Re: Reminder: new postage rates Sunday, April 17
- Re: Reminder: new postage rates Sunday, April 17
NCR ~ Thank you, Robert...
- Re: Reminder: new postage rates Sunday, April 17
- Re: Reminder: new postage rates Sunday, April 17
- Thanks Robert
- Foreign chip ID
- Re: Foreign chip ID
- Thanks for the info Jason...
- Re: Foreign chip ID
NCR ~ Friday Humor (Mature)... 1:14 AM, EDT
- Grand Opening, Ramada Express
Thank you
4 Queens 6th $1 chip (Blue/Blue) UNC ONLY
- Desk needs cleaning, please help me out
- 1 Stardust and a bunch of Ramada Express
- 2nd row, chip 3...4th of july please
- 4th of July
, Thank you
- These are Face plus
- HOTROD OF THE DAY for 4-15-11...NCR
- HR and Ramada Express
- California chips on EBAY...worth a look
- Some Rarer Personals of mine that are rarely seen
- Re: Some Rarer Personals of mine that are rarely s
- Re: Some Rarer Personals of mine that are rarely s
- First of all I dont make chips. The personals are
- Thanks for sharing, Doug
I'm fortunate to have
- Look what I found today...NCR
- WOW, Neat picture!
- Any one know about Emil's in Reno
- Help with a Chip - CJ C JK
- They were used in the Caribbean
- Recent Post
- Re: Help with a Chip - CJ C JK
- Holiday Inn, Aruba roulettes
- Thanks Guys!!!! I knew I had seen them before
- Woooooooo!! Thanks.
- M-Life Players Club card
- They also have card levels, now
- test
38 Players Club cards, 23.00 shipped
21 Hotel keys, 10.00
- Re:
21 Hotel keys, 10.00
MISC Chips
chips at face
- friday 13th
25.00 Aria Elvis
to Stu, thanks
- Silver currently at $42.14 ...
- Re: Silver currently at $42.14 ...
- Re: Silver currently at $42.14 ...
- Time to change those silver fillings w/ amalgam ?
- Re: Silver currently at $42.50 this morning ...
- I got a 1958 Canadian quarter in change...
- Re: I got a 1958 Canadian quarter in change...
- Give Away Prices on
- Where the heck have you been hiding?
- Re: Where the heck have you been hiding?
- Re: Where the heck have you been hiding?
roulettes & Tournament chips from
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
Misc Chips
- Poker Chip Collection for Sale
Misc Chips Some Dead Some Alive
- LAKE TAHOE - "Set of the Day"
- Frank, a question about that set...
- Re: Frank, a question about that set...
- Do we know how many wheels were on the floor when
- Need Bettie page $25 head show!!! Please email me
- Thats head shot. Picture of her head
- Check your email
- I didnt get an email from you Rubin Please try ag
- California Chip-Looking For Help
- Here's the blue $5, and Dick Staeffler's listing
- Re: California Chip-Looking For Help
- Re: Thanks Guys
- Re: Thanks Guys
- Here is one for sure...
- NCR: Silver hits $41.30...
- Now at $41.78
- Re: Now at $41.78
- Re: Now at $41.78
- Re: Now at $41.78
- Re: Now at $41.78
- Correction Now at $42.79
- Re: Now at $41.78
- Re: Now at $41.78
- Palace Casino Resort
- Chip ID Help PLEASE
- Re: Chip ID Help PLEASE
- Re: Chip ID Help PLEASE
- Re: Chip ID Help PLEASE
- Bill, If I had to make an educated guess...
- Scan/picture-Please? Anyone
- Sahara Mustard A Roulette
- TY 4 pic/scan
- Check it out The 3rd PERSONAL CHIP FOR TODAY
- Re: Check it out The 3rd PERSONAL CHIP FOR TODAY :
- Re: Check it out The 3rd PERSONAL CHIP FOR TODAY :
A Page a Day
PA & Del roulettes
- roulette Round Robins
- Re: roulette Round Robins
- Re: roulette Round Robins
- Re: roulette Round Robins
- Re: roulette Round Robins
- Is attendance going to be down in 2011?
- We now have 82 signed.
- Even more Jim Follis! $1 & $2.50 REEF
- Tim, Wow! You own the Un-Official Viewing site...
- Now posted! Link is here...
- Chip ID Help PLEASE
- Anyone PLEASE
- Old picture, but must be new chip
- Thanks Don...Much appreciated Sir
NCV chips
- California Chip of the Day
I have 2 sets Roulette Harrahs Tunica Miss
65 & I'm gonna Drive!
- Re:
65 & I'm gonna Drive!
- Re:
65 & I'm gonna Drive!
- What I want to know.....
- Re: What I want to know.....
- Not true John ...
- Here's another one John...
- Who could this be??
- 11th Annual
convention at the Tropicana!
- Hope to be 20 lbs. less.. Down 12 now
Stick of Casino 93 dice ending today
- Less than 3 hours left - still only 1 bid
- NCR - Just crossed something off my "bucket list"
- Very cool Chris. Congrats.
- That is awesome!
- Wooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
- Re: How Cool Is That!
- Crossed the bucket off my "bucket list"
- Chris, Congratulations! Does this mean...
- Cool, let us know when it airs on tv
- nv $60ea
- $60 chips-lv
- Hey what are these called and...
- Re: Hey what are these called and...
- Chuck has them? GREAT!!! My favorite supplier!
- They are called "Air-Tites"
- Don't think so, Archie
- You're right Don ...
NCR ~ Thursday Humor... 12:19 AM, EDT
- Just listed 20 Nevada chips on
- Archie, check your Castaways Listing
- Thank you Greg ...!
- Chip ID Needed - Oasis Club
- Re: Chip ID Needed - Oasis Club
- Thanks John. The reason I thought it may be
- Foreign Chip Samples in this weeks mail
- Foreign Plaque ID Needed - Casino La Riviere
- Doug, about that Stanley...
- Jim, I have 5 different ones that are all drilled.
- By the way, I do have an extra "Park Street"
- "other UK chips you don't have" Wow! Now that's...
- No problem Jim, If you every do find something I
- New Plaque for Caribbean Chip Guide- Dominican Rep
- Got it, Thanks.
- HOTROD OF THE DAY for 4-14-11...NCR
- Must be a pain changing a flat tire
NCR ~ My one and a half cents...
- Twin convertible beds?
- Twin convertible beds? LINK Here
- Vintage Palace Club Cards $13 shipped USA
- Vintage Loews Monte Carlo Cards $50 shipped USA
Elk Creek Chipco Metal Slot/Table NOW $6
Colorado Gaming Investigator set NOW $50
Pioneer Club Vegas Vic $25 chip-NOW $33
- Phish Halloween Chip NOW $12 shipd
Resorts International 1st NOW $30 shipd
Boardwalk Regency AC 2nd Iss Mint $17
- BUY any 2 items and save 20% ends 5pm Centrl TODAY
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Sounds good. Just remember...
- Upper and lower 48 states
Antique poker chips $2.00 ea.
- The P chip is interesting
- I agree came from a very famous persons home set
- I have to have it now,& the story!
- OK Story to follow late for 7 pm Poker tour.
# 6 & 15
- 3, 10 and 16
- Sol #'s 2,3,10,15, & 16
- Michael & Rick see my e-mail regarding # 15
- NCR - Bob Hiestand : Tyson -VS- Spinks Poster
- Re: NCR - Bob Hiestand : Tyson -VS- Spinks Poster
- shipping to lower 48 states
- Great Question
- Re: shipping to lower 48 states
- Re: shipping to lower 48 states
- No, but I've heard that the Great Lakes...
- Not exactly true. While it does cost the same to
- Trouville Beach Casino
- 390 Chips, 29 Club Photos, 25 Matchcovers...
- I'll help but it will take some time
- Hey... I got a few of those
- OUCH! I have a few like that...
- How do i join and submitt PICs and articles?
- Re: How do i join and submitt PICs and articles?
- I don't get it...................*rofl*
- You already did Rick... check your email
- I thought i had to join as it it is NEW
- Re: I thought i had to join as it it is NEW
- Good for you Robbie!
- Mail today,Toledo Ohio (I want Gene's book)
- My West Virginia Book (I still want Gene's book)
- Ri don't know them books Dave
- Don't make me show my N-KY Books
- submitted 3 pics
- Keep them coming, Mike...
- Re: 390 Chips, 29 Club Photos, 25 Matchcovers...
- I think you're right!
MISC $5 Chips
- NCR...USPS...new meaning to snail mail
- Heck, Pony express was faster then that.
- Re: NCR...USPS...new meaning to snail mail
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
Dan's Royal Flush
- MINI, SHORT, TIGHT, SEXY, HOT are words to
Looking for a Trade!!!!
- Re:
Looking for a Trade!!!!
- Re:
Looking for a Trade!!!!
- Tony, A helpfull suggestion here...
- Chips for sale
- Re: Chips for sale
- Re: Chips for sale
- Re: Chips for sale
- Re: Chips for sale
- Re: Chips for sale
to trade Casino Guide coupons
- Chips for sale
- Email sent sir
- chips are still up for sale
- Im gonnA pry my wallet open
- Sold to Bill
- Chips for sale
- Chips for sale
- Re: Chips are sold
- Minnesota chips for sale
- Re: Minnesota chips for sale
- Re: Minnesota chips for sale
- Re: Minnesota chips for sale
- Re: Minnesota chips for sale
- Northern Kentucky chips
- Re: Northern Kentucky chips
- Sweet!
- Really Nice! I haven't seen that Magnolia
- Nice !!
- You Done Good, Roy
2009 SSOTY Update: Thanks James McFadden!...
Inlaid single letter Monograms
New $1 Chip Find
- See e-mail
- Roulettes sold to Jim
- Jim I would be inters in 4Q set
Riverboat LE's at Face
- Fat's Domino Chips are gone
- That is all the sets For some reason
- Moved up - Chips for only $2 each , delivered
Colorado $5's at Face
- I have more 4th of July's
- Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale
- Re: Roulette for sale