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The Chip Board Archive 21

3,200 $1 chips!!! grin

Today I added the 3,200th chip to my collection of $1 chips. It was the $1 Greenbrier.

So what's the next goal? Well, I have 989 $1 chips from Nevada, so hitting the 1,000 mark would be sweet. Keep those trades coming. All my traders and want lists are neatly organized on my website at the link below -- all in images so they’re easy to navigate and look through. Below are some of the chips I have for trade. Have a look and if you see anything you're missing from your collection shoot me an e-mail and we'll see if we can work out a trade. Trading for cash works too.

Messages In This Thread

3,200 $1 chips!!! grin
Re: 3,200 $1 chips!!! grin
I want that greenbriar..
I I wish that we could get the
Greenbrier Chips
Re: 3,200 $1 chips!!! grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg