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The Chip Board Archive 21

Extra! for sale 2012 ccgtcc Collectibles Calendar for sale grin

The club has seven -- SEVEN -- of the 2012 version of the Casino Collectibles Calendar left. If you haven't purchased one yet, you might want to think about it before we run out completely. You can either post here or send an e-mail to me at if you'd like to buy one. Cost is $18 + $3.00 shipping. A small version of the first six page "headers" is shown below. Next year, these monthly page headers will not be posted, so if you'd like to have a chance to enjoy them, you had better hurry!! grin

For those of you that did not get one of the calendars this year, Todd Barrett added a side box where the dates are that provides a brief description of the header page...I absolutely LOVE that!! (An example is shown below)

And I wanted to thank everyone again who were involved with this project, especially ToddBarrett & Neal Silverman, but also to those that contributed items used in the calendar. And many, many thanks to those of you that have either bought a calendar or a date (or two grin) -- without your support again this year, this project could not be done.

Thanks again!! Steve B

Copyright 2022 David Spragg