Good morning, this page is for the two bit chippers, all 25centers, just one quarter of a thanks for checking in.
ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS, please order by number, name, and price. Numbered chips below correspond with the position on the image page. Please email me direct. Please do not put a sold sign on the items you are buying, I may have more than one. First email in my inbox gets first considerations. P/H will be $1 for up to 4 chips, $2 for 5-8, $3 for 9-12, $4 for 13-16, $5 for 17-up this is the maximum postage for the continental US. Foreign orders p/h is a bit more. Min. order is $4. Pay pal accepted to my email. Check, cash or money order will be fine. RANDOM DISCOUNTS OFTEN OCCUR. Hold Service Available. Thanks. 1400+ available traders.
1 New Crystal Park Compton, CA $1.25
2 Nugget Carson City, NV $1.75
3 Oaks Club Emeryville, CA $1.75
4 Oh-Kay Casino San Juan Pueblo, NM $2.25
5 Ojibwa Casino Marquette, MI $3
6 Oxford Casino Missoula, MT $2
7 Palace Card Room Missoula, MT $2
8 Palm Beach Kennel Club Palm Beach, FL .75c
9 Paradise Falls Casino (Bee Mold) Missoula, MT $2.25
10 Paragon Casino Resort Marksville, LA $2.50
11 Pechanga Casino Temecula, CA $3
12 P J’s Restaurant Havre, MT $2.50
13 Player’s Club Billings, MT $1
14 Plaza Las Vegas, NV $1
15 President Casino Biloxi, MS $1.50
16 Prospector Casino Great Falls, MT $1.50
17 Puyallup Tribes Bingo Palace Tacoma, WA $2.50
18 Quapaw Casino Miami, OK $2.50
19 Rancho Mesquite (Tri-Club) Mesquite, NV $2
20 Red Fox Casino (BJ 8) Laytonville, CA $3.50
Hello Chippers, should you find yourself planning a trip to South West Florida. Please add a small trade session into the mix…would love to have a trade session with anyone that is in the area. Please give me a heads up, and a little warning.
Of course, I am interested in most recent stuff, and I do not have any high powered older chips to trade. But I have well over 2000 chips available for trade.
LMK the dates and windows of opportunity for a little sit down trade session.