It is only for the money! If you follow college football you are aware of the jumps to other leagues that offer the most money and biggest bucks. If I were Boise St. I would turn my back on the MAACCO car bowl, whatever the heck that is? I also find it interesting NCAA is getting billions and the poor athletes get meager handouts for generating big bucks for the schools. Oh yea they get a "free" education? I doubt that many of those actually graduate (interestingly most seem to be black athletes). I think only schools like Penn State, Stanford, Northwestern and similar instutitions have high gradusating rates.
"But even the government numbers show a record 65 percent of all Division I athletes earned a degree, compared to 63 percent of the overall student body. One possible explanation for the record numbers is a first-time inclusion of Ivy League schools in the annual report. Those schools had not previously been included because the Ivy League does not award scholarships based on athletic performance. Among black athletes, the rate improved four percentage points to 68. White athletes came in at 87 percent, a three-percentage point increase, and even baseball, which has traditionally lagged among the lowest scoring sports, made a one-year jump from 69.6 percent to 77.4 percent."
If I remember my grading system 65% is a D+ (of course in our politically correct society they are all equal and should be given a degree)? BTW if the general population graduation rate is only 63 to 65% then education is perhaps the biggest racket going - it may be a government funded ponze scheme?