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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: Anyone use mineral oil to restore chips?

Nope, thats perfect .. its probably the main recommended way to oil and refresh older, dull chips. Id be careful to try and not get any on the inlays/hotstamps, and just kinda rub around the edges. Not thats its a bad thing, but better to be careful I would think.

Cant go wrong, but be prepared to spend many hours doing them if you have 500pc+ sets you wanna do lol.

Messages In This Thread

Anyone use mineral oil to restore chips?
Sorry for my grammatical errors I am using a phone
I use mineral oil on my chips
Re: I use mineral oil on my chips
How I do it.
Before & After Mineral Oil
Another Before
Re: Another Before
Archie, olive oil doesn't work too well on chips ~
Re: I use mineral oil on my chips
Walt, I don't think there's anything anyone can do
Re: Anyone use mineral oil to restore chips?

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