It can range from happiness because they finally paid something off to total rage. Sometimes it is just a small court fine for $50, other times we collect the entire jackpot (- taxes of course) because the guest owes hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is a letter that we print off when there is a "hit" that explains the law, gives contact information for the agency that the state is collecting in the behalf of and the state collection agency contact information. We do a 100 to 500+ searches on any given day and we probably get 5-10 hits a week. I have had guests that have come up to the cage and scream at me, unfortunately we have no other recourse but to collect. I do not feel sorry for someone that owes back child support, telling me it's my fault that I collected the money. We do a paid in, and the accounting department sends the state the collected money weekly when gaming taxes and fees are sent to the state.