The is getting ready to send out renewal notices to those members whose membership ends December 30th. If you’d like to save the club a little money, you can renew on-line now or send in your renewal payment now. The cards won’t go out until next Thursday, so you have a little bit of time.
To renew on-line, please visit the ’s website at the link below and please look at the multi-year renewal options which have become quite popular
To renew via “snail mail”, please send payment (payable to the ) to me at the address provided below. For those renewing via mail, the renewal options & costs are as follows:
One Year (Bulk Mail) -- $30
One Year (First Class) -- $44
One Year (Non-USA) -- $55
Two Years (Bulk Mail) -- $56
Three Years (Bulk Mail) -- $81
Five Years (Bulk Mail) -- $125
Thank you!!
Steve Bedo
Membership Officer
1215 E. Dalton Avenue
Glendora, CA 91741