The first legal casino was officially opened in Azov City. Russia. Owned by Kazan Group - practically the chips you see in photo 1 are the same chips they used while in Moscow and Moscow Region before the dawning of the "casino capitalism".
The old Oracul chips are plentiful in the flea market in Russia - I am looking for the 2.50 if there is, but I doubt.
"The first investor "Azov-City", clearly, took the risk - the infrastructure is still underdeveloped. Road, water, electricity and gas, of course. But there's just no public transport here is not, and taxi drivers from Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don, take a trip to this oasis of excitement as many as 5000 rubles. The same number should be given to "the master of bagels," and for the return trip - hotels in the area yet. However, there is in Eisk, to which you want to get more, but it's an hour away. Mobile communications are caught with difficulty, apparently, not to distract. In the internet you will get too complicated. While still in the casino people go to relax and escape. What their phone and internet?
Investors themselves are hoping that the so-called "VIP-guests" will come with their money in their same transport. For them, have provided a large parking lot. For more or less ordinary mortals gentlemen bosses promised to put Free buses from the Kuban and Don capitals. How it will be tempting for true gamers - hard to say.
Large game room decided not to open Jan. 30. In the meantime, just opened a restaurant, VIP-hall and another hall. The first hotel of 11 hotel rooms will make in the spring.
Managers in the future casino brought from Kazan and St. Petersburg, pit bosses - from Rostov, and the dealer has trained residents Eisk".